The #GreenTrending project aims to raise awareness and knowledge about sustainable
development among young people in Europe. It focuses on educating and raising awareness
of the importance of sustainable living through non-formal and intercultural education,
practical workshops, and social media campaigns. The project seeks to foster long-term
partnerships between participating organizations and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle in
local communities. Participation in the initiative will provide valuable experience and skills to
participants, as well as contribute to raising awareness about environmental protection on a
larger scale.

The project’s goal is not only to raise short-term environmental awareness but also to create
lasting effects by continuing the social campaign after its conclusion and inspiring further
pro-ecological and educational initiatives among both participants and their local
communities. The project includes a youth exchange with 30 participants from six countries:
Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Czechia, Latvia, and Italy. Planned activities include ecological
workshops, digital workshops, cultural evenings, study visits, excursions, and a field game. A
key element will also be the creation of a social campaign promoting ecology, sustainable
development, and culture.
The project anticipates that participants will gain knowledge about ecological practices,
develop their competencies, and increase their awareness of sustainable living.
Collaboration with the Youth Council of the City of Żywiec will enable the exchange of
knowledge and experiences, enhancing ecological awareness in the local community. Youth
involvement in the project will help build lasting relationships and joint ecological and social
initiatives. The project aims to create long-lasting effects through the continuation of the
social campaign after its completion and to inspire further pro-environmental and educational
actions both among participants and in their local communities.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the
author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European
Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA
can be held responsible for them.