CERV Programme
CERV Programme
Promoting Civic Engagement and Values Across Europe
The CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) Programme is a vital initiative of the European Union, aimed at fostering civic engagement, promoting fundamental rights, and encouraging active participation in democratic life. This program supports a wide range of projects that address key societal issues, including equality, environmental sustainability, and the protection of human rights.
CERV empowers organizations and communities to work together on initiatives that build a more inclusive and just society. By funding projects that promote dialogue, awareness, and education, the program helps citizens become more engaged in shaping the future of Europe. Whether through campaigns for equality, actions to combat discrimination, or efforts to protect the environment, the CERV Programme plays a crucial role in strengthening the values that underpin European society. Through this initiative, individuals and organizations are inspired to contribute to a more cohesive and resilient Europe, grounded in shared values and a commitment to democracy.

Following the EU Youth Strategy and in the European Year of Youth, Green_Youth is a network of 8 European cities that will work for the sensitization of young people about the European Green Deal in response to the crisis caused by the pandemic and what is their role and that of local communities in the ecological transition and in achieving the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The main goal of the project Green IT Your Work – Greener European Cities, is to emphasize the youth role in the green transition, as well as promoting the green jobs with a goal of contributing toward greener European cities, as civic response to COVID-19 crisis.

FutureUp is organized around 8 major events that will take place in the different towns participating in the project (in Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Romania, Malta, Italy, Netherlands and Greece), aims to directly mobilize more than 400 participants (number of people expected to attend each event), and indirectly to reach and benefit more than 25,000 people (number of people expected to follow the results through dissemination and impact activities) and will have a total duration of 24 months.

The project will be divided into 8 international events (one for each project partner) and aims to directly involve more than 400 participants, and indirectly more than 25,000 reached people. Regarding the activities, the places will vary depending on each city. The main target group of LocalEUCharter are the officials of the participating municipalities, political representatives of these municipalities charge of managing the support measures for the people that are developed and the social workers of the associations linked to democratic life.

The European Commission recognises that disinformation poses major risks to European democracies and societies, and it needs to be addressed in order to preserve European values and freedoms. Fake news undermine the trust of citizens in democracy and democratic institutions and contribute to the polarisation of public views.