FutureUp: Young players building the future of Europe
Project Summary
FutureUp: Young players building the future of Europe
FutureUp is organized around 8 major events that will take place in the different towns participating in the project (in Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Romania, Malta, Italy, Netherlands and Greece), aims to directly mobilize more than 400 participants (number of people expected to attend each event), and indirectly to reach and benefit more than 25,000 people (number of people expected to follow the results through dissemination and impact activities) and will have a total duration of 24 months. The different activities are organized in four phases, that summarize the general idea and the desired outcomes for raising awareness and involving the youth in the knowledge of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the need for intercultural dialogue and promotion and protection of freedoms, equality and diversity. Thus, these events will follow the next path: Exploration, Awareness, Exchange, Fellowship.
Project Topics
Project Activities
Each project partner will organize a project international event involving local and regional participants, taking in advance collaboration with other local and regional related organizations or other local events in order to achieve a bigger project impact.
Project information
Grant Number: 101091234
Start: 01.12.2022 End: 30.11.2024
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)
DRUSTVO ZA RAZVIJANJE PROSTOVOLJNEGA DELA NOVO MESTO (Slovenia) Fajub - Federação das Associações Juvenis do Distrito de Braga (Portugal) GENISTA RESEARCH FOUNDATION (Malta) ASOCIATIA SE POATE (Romania) DIMOS LARISEON (Greece) Gemeente Rhenen (Netherlands) A2030 (Italy)
400 participants (number of people expected to attend each event), and indirectly to reach and benefit more than 25,000 people (number of people expected to follow the results through dissemination and impact activities)