Non-Formal SE POATE
Non-Formal SE POATE
Funder: Project co-financed by the European Union, through the European Social Fund, under the Operational Program for Administrative Capacity (POCA) 2014-2020.
The total project value is 968,311.80 Romanian Lei.
Duration: The project implementation period is 16 months (June 2018 – September 2019).
Project Code: SIPOCA/SMIS Code: 274/112219
Priority Axis 1: Efficient Public Administration and Judiciary
Organizations Involved: Association “Se Poate” in partnership with the Romanian Humanist Association.
Project Objectives
The general objective of the project is to increase the capacity of the two participating associations, Association “Se Poate” in partnership with the Romanian Humanist Association, to formulate and promote alternative proposals to existing public policies in the field of non-formal education with a focus on developing transversal skills for the sustainable and efficient integration of young people into the labor market. The project’s specific approach emphasizes strong participatory and subsidiary collaboration between public and private entities.
Specific Objectives:
- Specific Objective 1: Training 20 representatives from the two partner NGOs in the field of public policy development.
- Specific Objective 2: Formulating and substantiating an alternative public policy in the field of non-formal education through a consultation process involving 112 representatives of NGOs/partners (56 organizations) and 32 representatives of local and central institutions/authorities at the national level by the 12th month.
- Specific Objective 3: Promoting the opportunity and effectiveness of the alternative public policy in the field of non-formal education developed during the 16-month project duration among decision-makers and stakeholders at both central and local levels for acceptance.

Key Activities within the Project:
- Conducting a study to identify best practices at the national and European levels. The purpose of this study was to identify best practices in public policies promoting non-formal education as a means to develop the much-needed transversal skills for sustainable youth labor market integration.
- Training personnel from partner NGOs in public policy development. This activity took place in August 2018, with the main results of the 2-day training course held in Bucharest available in a dedicated section on the project’s website.
- Developing the alternative public policy. Eight consultation sessions were organized from January to February 2019 in Romania’s main development regions, specifically in the cities of Bucharest, Ploiesti, Craiova, Brasov, Constanta, Iasi, Cluj, and Timisoara, with the aim of formulating the public policy.
- Information and communication activities. From April to June 2019, promotion sessions for the public policy were held in the eight development regions where consultation sessions occurred. Representatives from NGOs and local public institutions were invited to participate.
- Study on the project’s impact on participating organizations – an ongoing activity aiming to evaluate the level of engagement of participating organizations based on their type, size, experience, and the number of project activities they were involved in.
Key Activities within the Project:
Target Group: The project’s target group consists of a minimum of 112 representatives from NGOs (including representatives of associative structures of local public administration authorities) and social partners.Expected Results: Result 1: The project is implemented under the specified conditions of quality, finance, and time as per the contract and subsequent modifications. Achieving the assumed indicators and expected results contributes to fulfilling all the realization and outcome indicators of the project as assumed within the POCA. Result
In the framework of the project “Non-Formal Can – Alternative Public Policy for Youth Labor Market Integration,” an informal network of NGOs was established. This network serves as a platform for presenting the elaborated public policy to a wider audience and collecting diverse feedback from all involved stakeholders. It includes more than 30 non-governmental organizations active in the field of youth and education in Romania. Together with the network members, the aim is to identify the most effective instruments for implementing the developed public policy, ensuring its impact on youth labor market integration. If you are curious and want to discover the NGOs that accepted our invitation, you can find the list of partners and their contact information here.
A study on identifying existing best practices at the national and European levels is conducted and published on the project’s website. Result
Personnel from NGOs and social partners are trained in public policy development (identification, substantiation, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies). Result
An alternative public policy in the field of non-formal education is elaborated. Result
An independent monitoring tool for the alternative public policy in non-formal education is developed. Result
Promotion of the alternative public policy in the field of non-formal education for acceptance. Result
Promotion of the alternative public policy in the field of non-formal education for acceptance. Result
A study on the project’s impact on the capacity of participating organizations to formulate and promote new public policy proposals.