The project will be divided into 8 international events (one for each project partner) and aims to directly involve over 400 participants and indirectly reach over 25,000 individuals. Each project partner will organize an international event in which local and regional participants will be involved, collaborating with other local and regional organizations or events beforehand to achieve a greater impact of the project. Regarding the activities, the locations will vary depending on each city.

The primary target group of the LocalEUCharter is the officials of the participating municipalities, the political representatives of these municipalities responsible for managing support measures for citizens, and the social workers of associations related to democratic life. The Valencia City Council presents a network of cities where young municipal workers and youth organizations will explore the Charter and promote it among citizens, especially among young people. The goal is to improve the local governance of the participating European municipalities and to enhance the role of local public administrations in the integration of modern Europe and their role in being close to citizens.
WP7: Empowering Civil Society and Youth to Actively Participate in European Policies, Bucharest, Romania – July 12-15, 2023
Reflect on ways to empower civil society and youth to actively participate in European policies, discuss youth participation in European policies, and understand their particular perspective on European policies.